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Changeover Prep

Reduce downtime between jobs with Changeover Prep

Changeover Prep is here to tackle those unnecessarily long transitions between jobs. This feature tells you which jobs are ending soon and what needs to happen before the next setup starts. It also automatically prioritizes tasks, so you don’t have to!

The clear guidance and automatic prioritization eliminates guesswork, enables a more proactive work culture, and keeps teams accountable. It’s a really simple way to keep your operations running with limited downtime.

Eliminate the mental gymnastics with the Prep List

The Prep List lets you define what tasks need to be done before the current job ends. You can add and edit as many steps as you want, making it totally customizable to your shop and process.

By pre-defining all the steps, you won’t have to figure out what needs to be done later when it’s time to prep for the next job. Once you add your prep tasks, you’ll be able to see how many prep steps remain in each goal when you return to the Goals page.

Improve visibility with the Changeover Scoreboard

The Changeover Scoreboard offers a snapshot into current and upcoming jobs. Easily see how many hours remain on the jobs in progress, which jobs are up next, and what prep tasks need to be addressed to start the next job more quickly.

Under the “Prep” column, the prep tasks in red still need to be completed and the tasks in black have been checked off. Being able to check this information helps your teams work more proactively.

Pro tip: Display the Scoreboard in your tooling room, supervisor’s office, or near your programmers.

Increase accountability with the Prep Sign-Off

Each goal will show one of three statuses: In Progress, Ready, or Not Ready (X). When someone completes a prep task, they simply go into Amper, select their name, and sign off. When all tasks get checked off, the goal’s status changes from "Not Ready” to "Ready.” Ready means the changeover is complete and the job is ready to go.

Thanks to these statuses, everyone on the shop floor knows where jobs stand at any moment.

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