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Industry 4.0

Manufacturing Is Sexy: A Misunderstood Field of Opportunity

Let’s face it: Manufacturing gets a bad rap. Whether it’s seen as dirty, unsafe, or non-challenging, the imagery many associate with it is generally unglamorous and undesirable. This misconception is outdated and far from the truth—but it also harms the futures of the industry and of the young people entering the workforce.

Not treating manufacturing like the advanced, lucrative, and growth-propelling industry that it is can close incredible doors for incredible people. It can stymie innovation. It can slow supply chains. It can increase costs. So, let’s turn that around. Let’s celebrate manufacturing!

At Amper, we believe manufacturing is sexy. Why?

Because it constantly fuels and showcases innovation.
Manufacturing and innovation are the best of friends. They have been for several industrial revolutions: The first saw machines powered by water and steam, then mass production lines and electric energy, followed by a shift from analog to digital technology. Now, Industry 4.0 leverages smart technology and real-time data to increase productivity and reduce costs. Manufacturing plants are clean, modern, high-tech, and full of skilled workers.

Because it drives progress.
Manufacturing brings everything from the essential to the whimsical to life. No groundbreaking idea—no Apollo 11, iPhone, or Tesla—would ever come to life without skilled manufacturers. Today, automation and robotics are transforming manufacturing and vice versa. Technology like 3D printing is enabling more design freedom, quick product developments, and lower costs.

Because it’s a huge part of history—and the future.
Manufacturing changes the world. It always has. To list every impact of manufacturing would take… quite a number of blog posts. But safe to say, manufacturing has transformed the way people move and live, the way our economy works, and the way we work.

Why should young people go into manufacturing?

The manufacturing industry is brimming with opportunities, especially as advances in technology add thousands of new jobs across sectors.

  • $95,990: The average annual income of U.S. manufacturing employees in 2021. (NAM)
  • 4 million: The number of manufacturing jobs to fill between now and 2030. (The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte)
  • 12.88 million: Workers employed by the manufacturing sector in September 2022 alone. (NAM)

A common myth surrounding manufacturing today is that jobs in the industry aren’t challenging, they require few skills, and have no room for growth. This couldn’t be further from the truth! And according to a report by The Manufacturing Industry, as the industry evolves, manufacturers are looking out for these key skills in future workers:

  • Data analysis. As technology advances and data accumulates, companies are finding a greater need for individuals with data analysis skills. Encourage young people to study STEM to set them up for success in the manufacturing industry.
  • Interpersonal skills. Despite progress in automation, companies still see the value in skills like communication, teamwork, and collaboration.
  • Agile mindsets. Manufacturers state that they’ll need more skills like critical thinking and problem-solving in the future as technology advances. This might entail making data-based decisions, incorporating feedback, and more.

To recap: Manufacturing is seeing an increase in job opportunities at modern, high-tech plants; offers plenty of room for skills growth; and slowly transforms our world one day at a time. And that, friends, makes manufacturing oh so sexy. Let’s celebrate it.


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